Ep 19: My family's sleep circus: how we have navigated the messiness of sleep in our home over the past six years

Season #2

Two kids, six years, and a whole lot of musical beds; our family's sleep sitch has looked less than perfect over the years. But, we love it! Here's to normalising messiness of childhood sleep. I chat today about: - surrendering to safe bedsharing with my babies - transitioning toddler to own room - being flexible with naps and bedtimes - our ever-changing sleep arrangements over the years - how temperament affects sleep - sleep apnea - nighttime breastfeeding and weaning experiences - how you can choose how sleep looks for your family Insta is where I hang out: @mamamatters.au If you are looking to uplevel and optimise your family's sleep with a group of likeminded mamas; check out my upcoming Honest Sleep Groups for mamas of babies 0-8 months: https://www.mamamatters.com.au/honest-sleep-groups So happy you're here, Fiona xx