Ep 18: Jessica Donovan, Natural Super Kids on gut health in babies and kids, impact on sleep and development

Season #1

Jessica Donovan is a mama of 2 and naturopath who helps mums raise super kids with healthy food and natural medicines. She is passionate about educating parents on nourishing their children with real food, helping to boost their health and heal naturally. Jessica combines her extensive naturopathic knowledge with a realistic, empathetic, inspiring, and down-to-earth approach to empower women to look after themselves and take charge of the well-being of their families. Come along and join Naturopath Jessica Donovan in this FREE online masterclass where you will learn 3 SURPRISINGLY SIMPLE ways to Transform Your Kid's GUT HEALTH. When we focus on gut health we see improvements in our Kids: Mood and behaviour Immunity Tummy troubles Allergies Eczema and Asthma Fussy eating and more Register now, it's free: https://naturalsuperkids.com/gut-health-masterclass-oct22?orid=68805&opid=28 I also spoke about my newly release Mama Mantras and I would LOVE for you to see them too! https://www.mamamatters.com.au/mama-mantras Check out our upcoming Honest Sleep Group here: https://www.mamamatters.com.au/honest-sleep-groups